For our orientation and preparation for starting work in January, incoming Councilors have been able to take advantage of a few opportunities.
Dayle Bell, the Permitting Coordinator in the Community and Economic Development department, has run a series of trainings recently focusing on zoning and planning issues. The Planning Board, Conservation Commission, Historical Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals have been well represented at these dense sessions. The trainings were:
*Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act
*Massachusetts Open Meeting Law
*Massachusetts zoning chapters (40A, 40B, 40R, 43D, etc).
The Town administration has also offered a few opportunities. The Superintendent of Schools Dr. Charles Chaurette has extended an invitation to meet with incoming Councilors today, to be joined by David Jack, Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Human Resources.
Mayor Kezer has also extended an invitation to incoming Councilors to observe weekly Amestat presentations by the different department heads. These meetings are ongoing through this month.
Finally, I'll be joining other elected officials from Amesbury at the Annual Meeting of the Massachusetts Municipal Association in January, for 2 days of educational workshops related to municipal management in Massachusetts.
Altogether, a good preparation for the large amount of information and work that we will doubtlessly face starting in January.